The following list, while no means complete, contains some of the events we’ve done over the years.
If you have any to add, let me know.
- Painting
- Scavenger Hunt
- Lazer & Mirror Maze
- VR Games (Beat Saber)
- What the Meme? board game
- Roshambo (Rock paper scissors)
- Bowling
- Air Hockey
- Miniature Golf
- Laser Tag
- Go-kart racing
- ‘Escape Room’
- Video Games, such as Puzzle Fighter, Tetris, Space Invaders
- Darts
- Volleyball
- Bocce ball
- Shooting range
- BB-target shooting
- Top Golf
- Geocache hunt
- Scavenger Hunt
- Iron Chef
- Survivor-inspired (start a fire, etc.)
- Mascot design
- Pub games, such as Connect-4, Shufflepuck, and foosball
- Batting
cages - Horseshoes
- Archery
- Slingshot
- ‘Murder Mystery’
- Rock climbing
- Crafting
- ‘Jimmy Fallon games’, such as “The Whisper Challenge”
- Thrift store theme dress up
- Write a SHFD song
- Picture Story (end of the world)
- Spoon & Egg relay
- Speed Candy Land
- Horse Races
- Poker
- Board games, such as Family Business and Concentration.
- Poundtown (Relay race pounding a nail into a block of wood (THX GTS3) ~ Team Event
- Cornhole
- Hump the Cup (Flip a tennis ball on a string into a solo cup strapped to your body)
- Goodwill Scavenger Hunt (authored by Clara)
- Balls of Doom (Roll a ping pong ball across table into cups ala Skeeball)
- Cards against humanity
- SHFD Trivia
- Pickleball
- Family Feud
- Video Games (Tetris)